Roland's special audio/visual archives
Weblog Archives

July 27, 2010
Jane's idea of a perfect Mother's Day is to go look for grizzly bears. Guess what she found?
August 3, 2010
There's something good about boys going fishing and something . . . well . . . else about men arguing fishing.
August 10, 2010
It's my contention that enormous change overwhelms succeeding generations in 40-year increments. It's also my contention that the "overwhelmers" have no life.
August 17, 2010
". . . he couldn't help it--he exploded in anger and the castanets on the end of his tail began to whirr." So did those of the 50-odd other trapped denizens.
August 24, 2010
I'll take my chances with either, but I simply cannot regard mountain lions in the same detached way I view grizzly bears, who I expect to be up front if I displease them.
August 31, 2010
I asked the doctor if he had any idea how many years I've studied to get to the point I now am in outdoors proficiency?
September 7., 2010
When asked what she liked best in school, the tiny lady said, "Dinosaurs!" Then she said she planned to become a paleontologist.
September 14, 2010
While waiting for Jane at the Valier, Montana Post Office, I heard the pheasant crow. Valier is about the right-sized town, don't you think?
September 21, 2010
There's no way we can predict weather for the coming winter; all we can do is live through it
September 28, 2010
"Grizz" sidled up, ears laid flat to skull, tail wagging hello, silly salivating grin on his muzzle. What else can a man do but pet him?
October 5, 2010
Since every woodlot in the Flathead country teemed with whitetails, I relegated the species to my "someday" list. Mistake!
October 12, 2010
That's what my doctor friend said when I asked his advice about a surgeon to run a roto-rooter down my spinal column
October 19, 2010
This blog explores the big question for every elk hunter.
October 26, 2010
An exploration about whether grizzly bears are following gunshots to downed elk while hunters are still butchering their winter meat.
November 2, 2010
A guy with a conscience can be made to look like an idiot because he wants to believe everyone else shares his values
November 9, 2010
Understanding nature is more perplexing than grappling with relativity, or wrestling with the cosmos
November 16, 2010
Everything you'll need to know about road hunting
November 23, 2010
Western style Thanksgiving
November 30, 2010
"That's not the first time we've watched wildlife in funny situations."
December 7, 2010
Is health. With it, there is no mountain too high, no task too tough, no woman too aloof
December 14, 2010
I looked at my father -- I couldn't afford a gun like this and neither could he. "Merry Christmas, son," he said.
December 21, 2010
I plugged in the Christmas tree lights and Jane turned off the incandescents. Then, so me God . . . the old man smiled.
December 28, 2010
Come New Years Eve I won't be a nuisance kissing girls, probably because the nurse won't hold my head up that long.